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Neuro-Transformational Results Coach, Parent Educator

Melanie Soloway

Melanie Soloway is a highly accomplished Certified Lisa Nichols Transformational Trainer, a Master Neuro-Transformational Results Coach, Parent Educator and the founder and Director of Raising Enlightened Children. Melanie's transformative journey seamlessly transitioned from the illustrious career that once led her to serve in juvenile court in Los Angeles County, California, as a Deputy District Attorney into the role of a parent educator and life coach. Melanie has been fueled by her experience raising three children of her own which brings a unique and invaluable perspective to her work, emphasizing the paramount importance of human connection.

Her passion extends beyond conventional parenting, as she is resolutely driven to inspire all individuals, regardless of their role, to embark on the journey of sparking the lights of potential in every child. Her remarkable ability to tap into the inner child that resides within us all to unlearn beliefs that hold us back and equip us with the essential skills needed to cultivate a brighter future, makes her an exceptional guide and beacon of hope.

Her contributions as a published contributing author underscore her unwavering commitment to enriching the lives of everyone she touches. She is a true visionary, igniting the path toward a more enlightened and harmonious world.

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